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I want 8 abs!

For all my life until 5 months ago, I didn’t see myself as someone who was very fit. In fact, I was quite a couch potato, only exercising maybe up to twice a week if I really felt like it. I would run every Sunday with my buddies along the Alexandra canal as we have been doing it for years. It just felt like I was doing the bare minimum to keep myself barely healthy, so long as I keep up my immunity. I didn’t even know that there was such a thing as personal trainers in Singapore. I was still having my favourite bubble tea twice a week and eating fast food weekly, and that was just how I was for a really long time. However, every time I open Instagram, I would see photos and videos shared by my friends and some celebrities that I follow, showing them working out at the gym or fit pics of themselves in clothes looking very dapper. Even when I browse through men’s magazines, I would also see photos of men having a very fit body and looking smart in their clothes.

I sometimes think to myself, what would it be like if I could also be really fit myself? I was just a little bit jealous of what I saw, and I think that it would be nice if I could look fit and strong myself too. I would look really good in my clothes and fit well into them. To have a lean and toned body and a set of 8 packs… it felt like a dream to have. When I look at myself in the mirror, it was quite disappointing. I wasn’t obese, but I would consider myself about average with a tummy. I would wrestle with such thoughts pretty often, telling myself that I should do something about it, but it never really came to fruition. Normally I would just forget about it after a while and just carry on with my life, not really knowing when the day will come when I will actually get to exercising more and getting fit.

I did try going to the gym before. Using the credits that the government gave everyone to use for sports and recreational activities, I would go to the gym to try working out weekly. However, I kept losing momentum and there were days where I just felt unmotivated to work out. I even tried diets, to bulk up, but it felt tough for me and it was difficult having to adjust my habits and eating preferences to eating so much protein without all the sauces. It just wasn’t enjoyable for me, and I felt like I didn’t want to torture myself with all of that. I did not know what to do about it, so I just left it as it was.

One day, I happened to see a friend’s Instagram post about how he joined a programme to work out and how he was really happy with the results as he lost a lot of weight. I was also quite shocked at his transformation and wanted to find out what programme that was. I texted him and asked him for the details, and he referred me to this personal training website, Personal Training Singapore. I went on to check the website out and saw that they offered a range of services, from losing weight to building muscles, as well as IPPT training. It looked really promising, so I took a look at their ‘Build Muscle’ page and was quite impressed at their description and reviews. They train you by assigning a personal trainer to you, that will help encourage and pace your progress to achieving the kind of physique and look that you would like to have. They even offer packages to choose from, which some include customised meal plans and even a personal grocery trip, although they all come with a price. I have never had a personal trainer before, let alone attempt such a kind of thing. But I felt pretty sold on what I saw on the site and decided to get in touch with them to kickstart my fitness journey.

I spoke to the staff over the phone and decided to start with a rapid results package for building muscles, as I felt like this was my chance to achieve the 8 packs that I had always wanted. The package came with customised meal plans, which could help me find better alternatives to eat since I am not fully familiar with customising my meals to my taste while keeping it suitable for the kind of exercise and outcome that I was going for. I also discovered that they train at many of the Active SG gyms, which is great as I usually go to the one near my house in Toa Payoh and it is convenient for me. I guess this means no more excuses since I have a personal trainer now and that it’s at my convenience!

My personal trainer was really great and helpful, as he was able to work with my schedule and meet my needs, and was really patient with me during the personal training sessions. Before the training started, we actually met to talk about what I wanted to achieve and do personal profiling to better understand my needs and see what we can do to achieve the body that I wanted - which was my 8 packs (Let’s build some muscles, yeah!). He was really nice and understanding about it - knowing that I found the bulking diet really difficult to stick to since it didn’t suit my taste, he planned out meals that incorporated ingredients that could improve the taste of the meals which I could enjoy. In terms of working out, as I do not exercise very often, so we slowly built on the intensity of exercises and we stuck to meeting to workout twice a week. My personal trainer would encourage me during exercises, which really helped me whenever I felt like giving up.

Currently, it has been 5 months since I started this programme, and I must say that I absolutely do not regret joining this at all! It has tremendously helped me to be more motivated to achieve my goals of wanting an 8-pack and I have to admit - It’s been a journey that hasn’t been easy but I now have the 8-pack abs that I once dreamed of! I really enjoyed the journey, and it has been really rewarding to see the transformation that takes place both physically and mentally. I feel much sharper and alert and so much more confident than I ever was. It really is so much better when you have a personal trainer to keep you on track and give valuable advice to improve on. I recommend Personal Training Singapore as the best personal trainers in Singapore that you should definitely go for!


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