Health coaches don't all start as slim and sound 20-year-olds. Here's the methods by which three vanquished weight and illness – and their direction for us all Do whatever it takes not to begin eating better." That's one tip from wellness mentor Graham Waugh, 50, and may be shocking given that he once measured three overlay the measure of as he does now. Two or three years back, he was 330kg (52st) and stuck at home, feeling as if he was holding on to fail horrendously. Exercise had never been a bit of his life, anyway after bariatric therapeutic methodology, he began visiting the rec focus. Right when his weight landed at 111kg (17.5st), the rec focus owner proposed he become a wellness mentor. "I expressed: 'You're joking, isn't that so? I'm too much fat and old.'" But then Waugh recognized he could invest critical energy in planning people who had similar issues with their weight and prosperity. "I'd ...